Mission and Outreach
At St. Paul’s, we share the Good News of Jesus Christ by partnering to address the needs of our neighbours, both locally and globally. Consult the list here for details of our mission partners.
- participate in offering ecumenical services during Lent followed by fellowship over a soup lunch (with Almonte United Church, Almonte Presbyterian and Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic churches)
- walk The Way of the Cross with our fellow Christians from other denominations, visiting the Christian churches in Almonte, as part of our Good Friday observance.
- take part in Almonte’s World Day of Prayer celebrations.
- Take turns with the churches in town to sponsor the monthly Community Friendship Luncheons.
- work with Almonte United Church and Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic parish to support a family of Syrian new Canadians.
Akany Famonjena
Akany Famonjena orphanage and the Akany Tafita Centre for street children (Madagascar).
Bales for the North
Bales for the North: new clothes, blankets and other items collected are sent to a church in Northern Canada for distribution to people in that region.
Casita Copán
Casita Copán (Honduras): a home away from home for at risk children.
Crisis Fund
Crisis Fund: managed by the incumbent, this fund is used to respond to the needs of local people on an ad hoc basis.
Home Hospice North Lanark
Home Hospice North Lanark serving residents of Mississippi Mills, Carleton Place and North Lanark.
Lanark County Food Bank
Lanark County Interval House
Ottawa Inner City Ministries
Ottawa Inner City Ministries: an interdenominational Christian charitable organization serving homeless people in downtown Ottawa.
Pikangikum Water Project
Pikangikum Water Project (Northern Ontario): working with our aboriginal neighbours to address the water needs of the 400+ homes without clean water or waste water removal in a northern Ontario community.
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund: the Canadian Anglican response for emergency relief, refugees, development, and justice domestically and globally.
SchoolBox (Nicaragua): working to improve education opportunities for children by building schools and providing supplies.
Vidas Mission
Vidas Mission (Peru): supporting a medical centre, school and mission for native peoples.