We encourage members to use their gifts in worship leadership.

What Brings You Joy?

Passionate about reading? Join our Readers and share God’s word with the congregation. Gifted musically? Join our choir and/or Praise Team and help lead the congregation in singing God’s praise.

Consult the tabs below for details of the Sunday morning ministries you could become involved with. Training is provided for all who wish to serve.

To get involved at St. Paul’s, please consult the Parish Directory for contact names, phone numbers and other details.

St. Paul’s Worship Ministries Include

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild cares for the silver, the linens, the hangings and banners, the brass and the flowers in the church. They set up the altar for the Eucharist and clean up afterwards.


A crucial ministry of hospitality, these members welcome people as they arrive at our worship services.


These volunteers lead the Prayers of the People at the 9:15 and 11 a.m. services.


These volunteers read the Scriptures appointed for the day at our worship services.


A server assists the priest at the altar and may carry the cross in procession.

Music Team

An eclectic group of singers and musicians who offer a wide range of worshipful music from choral to contemporary, using voices, organ, keyboard, guitar, percussion and more.


Each Sunday the offering is counted, recorded, and readied for deposit in the bank. Each team takes a turn approximately once a month.